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Catherine M Gierman-Riblon, DSc, RN

Dr. Riblon is CHP Associate Dean for Online Learning and Chair of the Interprofessional Healthcare Studies Department. She maintains teaching responsibilities in the Health Professions Education Program and Interprofessional Healthcare Studies doctoral program. She holds a Doctor of Science degree in Interprofessional Healthcare Studies. Dr. Riblon’s degree in nursing is from Truman College in Chicago where she was a member of Phi Theta Kappa. She later earned a bachelor's degree with a focus in allied health education from Northeastern Illinois University as well as a Master of Education degree and a Certificate in Distance Education from Pennsylvania State University.
Dr. Riblon has been a nurse for 30 years. Her experience includes both in- patient critical care, and triage, family practice and internal medicine in ambulatory care settings, as well as geriatrics in residential settings, and school nursing. Her higher education background includes service as Associate Dean of Nursing and Health Professions at an Illinois community college where she held first line responsibility for the division's operations and delivery of education, and 19 years as Department Chair of the School of Health Sciences in a private college in Chicago where she developed, managed, and taught a variety of associate degree allied health programs.
Dr. Riblon’s research interests are related to the impact of previous educational and professional experiences on behavior and attitudes within both interprofessional healthcare teams and educational settings. Dr. Riblon joined Rosalind Franklin University as Assistant Professor in 2007.