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Rashida Biggs, DHSC, MPH

Dr. Rashida Biggs is a Certified Health Education Specialist who has been working in the health care field for over fifteen years. Dr. Biggs received both a Bachelor’s in Liberal Arts/Biology and a Master’s Degree in Public Health from Florida International University. Additionally, she obtained her Doctorate in Health Science from Nova Southeastern University.
Dr. Biggs also has many years of practical experience developing and managing health promotion/disease programs implemented at community health centers in Collier, Broward, and Dade Counties. Additionally, Dr. Biggs also has several years of group practice management. Due to Dr. Biggs’ extensive background in program development, management, and evaluation, she was called-upon to provide technical assistance, in program planning and execution, by the Centers for Disease Control and Prevention, Miami-Dade County’s Department of Health, and the Public Health Trust.
Dr. Biggs has participated in research at various levels. She has past experience conducting research for Phase II- IV HIV clinical trials. More recently, Dr. Biggs facilitated community‐based participatory research and intervention efforts to reduce chronic disease disparities in minority and underserved communities in South Florida.
Dr. Biggs continues to participate in CBPR with communities in South Florida as well as the Caribbean, with a focus on sexual negotiation and childhood obesity